No Body's Perfect
This project is centred on body image, primarily targeting the male population who are unfamiliar with or have less knowledge of the subject and whose understandings are generally influenced by the internet and what social media perceives about it.

I want to delve deeply into the cultural aspects of body image representation, focusing on Southeast Asian society, where subjects such as body acceptance are discussed less often and, in some cases, go untold. This is because they believe that they already have a concept about what the “Ideal” body or beauty standard should be, which had been possibly imparted to them through the influence of parents, society, the media, etc.
At the end of the infographic video, I want viewers to have learned something they wouldn’t have even acknowledged before. I urge women to understand why it’s important to embrace and be grateful for what they already have rather than buying into the absurd “Ideal" perception of what society expects a woman’s body image should be like. All women already are informed about these problems; therefore, they might assume that the video could just address what
they would prefer to hear. Although the subject matter is broad in nature, as I mentioned earlier, in the community where I grew up, it is an untold narrative. Given the relative limited resources and information accessible on the subject, I made the decision to take the infographic route. The information that have been available was generally presented in the form of lengthy paragraphs and was less visually appealing.
There are already a significant number of excellent resources accessible online from various businesses and organisations, including social media influencers, nevertheless this is I believe a suitable method to engage an audience and lead them through the core concepts communicated by graphics. This project does not go too far from my prior ‘Design Untold’ endeavour; rather, I see it as an expansion into a new area of what it means to be a woman in the modern world.